Sunday, February 26, 2012

The eyes of our baby care

At times, there babies are born with one or both tear partially or completely blocked. They usually open around the second week, when the child begins to produce the first tears, meanwhile, is a watery liquid a little mucus, tears instead of drained through the nose will begin to fall by the eyelids, this is not usually painful and ducts opened without treatment.

If the tear ducts are blocked while the tears drain as they should, you may be infected. These infections produce a secretion, whitish at the corners of the eyes, eyelashes and become sticky when dry may stick together, while the baby sleeps and then it is impossible to open their eyes.

Rashes and infections common in babies

Sometimes by lack of hygiene or other factors, babies are prone to contract more easily infections or rashes, that while they should not alarm us, are signs that we are alert and if necessary concurramos to the pediática query.

Among the most common rashes and infections in the baby are:

Seborrheic eczema (seborrheic dermatitis) is commonly known as " scab child "is the onset of flake-shaped thick crust in the baby's scalp, wash hair and brushing daily helps control this condition that often disappear on only in the early months, but otherwise, requires treatment with special shampoo that will indicate your pediatrician.

Babies, care of security

When the baby begins to grow you own learning skills, and start moving by itself turning around, or putting things in their mouths, especially his hands, which are a means by which we can contract diseases. Beyond this, there is care that we must always remember to avoid accidents.

Seat savers: Whenever you drive, your child must ride in a seat that meets all federal safety requirements and must also be properly placed in the car at this age should ride in the back seat never sit in the front seat.

The bathroom: When bathing your child, place it on a towel to prevent slipping and always hold the armpits always adjust the water temperature to avoid burns.