Sunday, March 4, 2012

A Baby 15 Inches! "From the 13th to the 16th week"

In this quarter begin to develop the senses of sight, taste and touch. In his little world receives information on file in his head. From time to time are encouraged to take a short walk from one end to another of the uterus ... And you can start to notice!

 With a sensitivity of surface: this is the best definition to describe the time your baby is experiencing. At this stage developed the sense of touch, is able to distinguish the flavors and is susceptible to sudden sounds that frighten you. Even see the light reaches. Try not to bother him much.

13th week

Go up! It measures 12 cm and weighs 65 g. This week, the diameter of the baby's head will grow 4 mm. The mouth opens and closes and tries sucking movements, swallowing some amniotic fluid expelled as urine. Continues to form the skeleton and joints work already: for example, can bend the arm at the elbow and wrist. It is also capable of separating the toes and clench his fist, and can even turn your head, open mouth and to press your lips, but these movements are still controlled by the brain. In the skin is formed a dark-colored pigment melanin.

The varicose veins "How to Avoid Them"

A measure pregnancy progresses and your baby grows and grows, as you contemplate a blue veins show themselves in your legs and, worst of all is that you hurt and feel heavy. Varicose veins and other circulatory problems are common in pregnancy.

 - The sednarino

- High-heeled shoes. This type of shoes impeded the natural movement of the foot and, therefore, the circulation and drainage.

- Use high stockings, which compress the blood supply to the knees.

- The use of tight clothing, since they hinder venous return. It is important that the clothes do not tighten at the waist, chest or the English.

- You do not want local heat or prolonged exposure of the legs to the sun.

Care of the newborn to get home

A newborn baby needs special care from coming into the world, hospital care for them well because they go through this several times a day, nurses have a lot of practice and will explain to parents how to go looking after the baby, but until you get home is when the new parents face the reality, they are lonely and need to properly care for the baby, then it should be taken to account for newborn care at home.

First, be calm and patience, many parents are nervous and do not know how to control so please talk among yourselves and agree to do together, both must work. If the baby was born via cesarean, the mother needs to rest, eat well and take care of the wound, and hurt him and he has to move slowly, Dad needs help here a lot and be patient with them. Second, enjoy the homecoming of the newborn, is when they realize they are a new family congratulations!

The Councils of women who are already mothers

When a woman becomes a mother faces many challenges and new feelings, as they say many people: nobody knows how it feels to have a child to live! And it certainly is quite true! Both your mother and even your grandmothers, aunts and friends who have gone through that, begin to give you advice on what to do and what not with your baby and to yourself. From here come the advices of women who are mothers.

Follow these simple steps when women who are mothers who give you advice: taking the best of what they talk you, appreciates and values ​​provided that care about you and your baby because they do it with love to you, always with good intention, then listening to think that you agree with that and if you want to put into practice some of the tips, if you decide not to, just thanks and try not to hurt the person you advised, but always have patience.