Friday, March 16, 2012

Development of intelligence and creativity of a baby

To start developing the Cognitive area, a baby is necessary that the child has become aware of itself and its environment through direct experiences, the creation of mental images and subsequent acquisition of a language that allows you to interact with the environment surrounding it, this begins to happen with the passing of days and as parents we would like to shelter our son in a friendly and safe.

It is sometimes very difficult to separate from the Cognitive area, the other dimensions of development, since it involves on the one hand sensorimotor aspect in the knowledge of himself and his reactions to certain stimuli, through the which can explore their environment, so you can manipulate and compare, choose or distinguish certain objects or attitudes, and on the other side the Psycho-social area, which relates solely at the child's interaction with parents and all those people who surround, besides language.

Pregnancy and physical activity

Moms who practice exercises during pregnancy, physicists have less risk for depression. Studies have shown that those women who exercise daily are less likely to develop this type of pathology during the prenatal period and therefore helps to reduce the risk for osteoporosis in post-partum.

Suffering anguish, anxiety and weakness during pregnancy is directly related to how badly some women feel the physical changes your body is feeling and experiencing over the last 9 months pregnant. This type of complex impairs self-esteem, in some mothers both before and after giving birth to their babies.

The importance of drinking water during pregnancy

Drinking water during pregnancy is important because from the belly of the mother water protects our little baby from external aggressions through the amniotic fluid.

After birth the water continues to play a fundamental role in life and full development of the baby. The 75% of the weight of our baby is water, which is why it is important to keep this delicate balance the body. In the development of your entire body bone, muscle, nerve and tissue, water is an essential component, so to support the growth of the baby is always necessary, since in the womb receive adequate hydration.


Lift into the air, blow it up, rocking in the hammock are games, that babies love and need to encourage their development and coordination of cognitive senses especially the balance, the gentle away often remind when I was in the belly his mother, so help him move play is a fundamental part of its growth.

 For that parents play a key role as the child will self-confidence and feel supported by us.
The game of gross in the boat.

In this game the child develops the abdominal muscles and arms, head control, and perception of space. The smaller, slower we play with him.

Will place the baby on various cushions and pillows so that it is in front of us, we will sit on the floor with legs crossed, and with the help of a cane, cane or long stick (broom or duster). We take the stick with both hands up to our shoulders and we will come and will move away from the baby, swinging forward and backward as if we were paddling.

Cognitive development of the baby of 8 months

When the baby reaches 8 months is a child, wide awake, and that everything is a world that wants to discover, begins to help himself exploring objects in various ways, stirring or agitating, hitting, throwing or simply dropping them. It is attractive to find hidden objects, and usually do very easily you can watch an image correctly when you said it is among other things.

It also begins to speak, pronouncing syllables separated or small words, like father, mother, given. And is dedicated to looking around to practice communication, mimicking our gestures. Her little hands have already acquired some strength and coordination in their movements, so it takes objects correctly as drinking glass, a comb or brush, to comb, and certainly if you are fond of the music has learned to stand on its own headphones and enjoy the rhythm of what you hear.

Burns and choking

As our babies grow and acquire skills , their movements make them more individual, with our collaboration and control in a safe environment grow, so we should never overlook some things that may not seem important but when it comes to care our son, prevent complications and expose him to danger.


Never load your child while smoking, (in fact should not smoke around him), if you are drinking something hot, or cooking on the stove or oven.

Just as you should not smoke near it, do not allow anyone else to do either.

Before putting your child to always check bath water temperature with the inside of the wrist elbow or forearm.

Never heat the milk the baby (later no other food) in the microwave, remember that the heat penetrates the inside out and even what may seem cold, the inside may be hot, causing burns to the baby. You test them before giving them to the child.

Baby, care of the penis

Babies need care in their genitals, depending on their sex, as is the case with children (males) must take some special care at the time of their diapers changed, especially if we think that your penis is a sensing member which is in contact with urine.

We have two types of care specifically, when the penis is uncircumcised, and when not.

Care of the circumcised penis: If you want your child to practice circumcision, probably will make the second or third day of life, unless delayed for religious reasons, after the intervention, he bandaged the glans Vaseline impregnated gauze, usually this dressing will fall the first time the child urinates, some pediatricians suggest further bandaging the penis, until it heals completely, while others leave it exposed pediatricians recommend.

Infections in the upper respiratory tract

Many babies get their first cold during the first months of life. Breast milk confers some immunity, but by no means guarantees complete protection, especially if another family member suffers from respiratory disease. These infections are easily spread by droplets in the air or by contact with hands. (Exposure to cold or drafts do not cause colds) Wash hands, cover your mouth when coughing or sneezing and kissing the child when cold, are the best ways to avoid infect it.

Most infections respiratory babies who contract are mild, causing coughing, runny nose and a slight increase in temperature, but rarely fever. Mucus, however it can be a real problem for the infant. By not being able senseless, mucus may end up blocking the nasal passages. Before he was three or four months, babies still breathe properly through the mouth, so this blockage can cause them more discomfort than older children.