Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Give love to the newborn

A common scenario is when parents get frustrated because the child has eaten well, has slept much, its tail is dry ... and continues to mourn. And is that sometimes we forget, that the baby's needs are not only physical but also emotional. For example, a newborn may protest because they feel alone and calls her mother (body contact is so important and vital as food).

The baby is not born with decision-making and experiences you are given, if no adult who wishes to communicate with him, falls off and sad, and this gap can mark it for life in the affective area. It's like not putting a fertilizer plant: it grows, but not equally.

Ways to bid at the time of delivery

One of the key moments during the birth of a baby and one of the biggest concerns is inexperienced mothers when giving birth, and particularly when to push the baby out without any problems during childbirth natural.

There are two ways to push, which is usually what mothers do to help their babies to pass through the channel during the second stage of giving birth. One is the most practiced, called the bid directed, which are instructed to do, so once you are fully dilated and did not feel or urge. It also gives you instructions on how to push.

The arrival of brother

The birth of the first baby of the family is often a great event. All families are scrambling to hold the baby, feed or play with him. This situation of excessive attention spans a few years, but the arrival of second son will cause a complete change of attitude that the child will notice and suffer.

In this approach involuntary sibling jealousy arise. The eldest brother feels the unborn steal your love and attention that were once theirs, so that the attitude of parents and family is very important to avoid conflict and depression in the infant.

Caring for baby's skin

The skin of the baby is extremely delicate. During the first years of life is thinner and has less hair to protect her. Furthermore, any external element absorbs more easily. Therefore, you should have care special.

Protection against infection and allergies

For the above characteristics, the newborn's skin is more prone to infections. To avoid them, avoid exposure to external factors too aggressive, taking extreme measures and cleaning away the baby of possible allergens.

Before conception, men should leave the parties

And in times past I have commented on some things that men need to do before trying to conceive a baby, because as women we need to prepare our body, mind and home, they must also do to succeed.

The festivities end for women as soon as you start to try to get pregnant, but for men too. The sperm is affected by both the snuff, alcohol and drugs as the eggs, so much so that some experts say that this trio can reduce sperm count and decrease mobility.

Diet during pregnancy

Many mothers during pregnancy want to continue staying thin and not gain weight when they give birth to have the same body they had before conceiving, so many are engaged in dieting. However, this can have consequences and not be very healthy for either mother or baby.

Experts say it is not safe to diet during pregnancy, because it passed to the baby do the same hunger that you have. The usual recommendation is to earn between eleven and twelve kilos during pregnancy, and even women who are overweight should not try to lose weight in that state.

Reasons to bottle feed your baby

We can not say enough all the health benefits of breastfeeding babies. And if you and your child are healthy and able, you should give a try to breastfeed for at least the first few weeks, so your immunities can happen to your child. However, you can combine this with a bottle of formula as do many women.

Giving formula milk in bottle babies is also a valid option and healthy for children, either from the beginning or after a period of giving chest. If you are concerned about the decision, try to separate the medical facts of political and cultural rhetoric. Remember, the most important thing you can do for your baby to love and nurture of the way you want.

Skin care during pregnancy

Due to hormonal changes and weight, the skin of women pregnant suffer some damage during pregnancy. Allergies, dryness and ridges are the most frequent manifestations.

The key: hydrate

The best preventive measure so that the skin is not damaged during the pregnancy is constantly hydrate. Lotions on the market designed especially for pregnant women. They contain impairs in the doses required for this special period.

You can also put the oil in a capsule of vitamin E in areas where skin tension is too strong to avoid the appearance of stretch marks. Other alternatives are olive oil and almonds.

New positions for birth

Traditionally, women often give birth lying down with her legs spread. However, there are new positions that women can choose the time of delivery, at your convenience.

Standing birth

In ancient cultures, women practiced birth standing up for the force of gravity provides the baby out. Some variants of this position are sitting or squatting position, keeping the vertical position.

This position is more natural to the fetus and prevents injuries to the spine of the mother. Also, the output of the baby in this position facilitates the dilation of the vagina. The only disadvantage is that blood loss is higher, thus running the risk of bleeding.

Differentiate the colds of other diseases

One of the reasons that children have frequent colds is that their immune systems are immature, making them more vulnerable to disease.

Your child can only develop immunity to one at a time of more than 200 viruses that cause the common cold. Just think of all the colds you've had in your life and your child will have all these and more for become immune to colds.

As your child grows, you may want to explore very much and touch everything, so it is easy for him to catch a cold virus in your hands. And all you have to do is put their fingers in their mouth or nose for the virus has a chance to start.

The safety of the baby in the car

At first when the new baby is born, we loaded her up every time we go, and while it is so beautiful walk it is very uncertain when we got on the car, whether for any reason.

It is necessary to ensure that buying a good chair or car seat that meets all regulations and requirements, and is well placed. It must be on the march counterclockwise (looking back). Until your child reach the year or even at least about 12 kilograms.