Wednesday, November 30, 2011

All about the amniocentesis

This procedure helps the doctor to detect the possibility of genetic, metabolic or neurological disorders in developing fetus.

When doing this?

Since amniocentesis presents minimal risk of abortion, from less than 1% is indicated only for special cases where it is important to confirm the health of the baby. If the mother is over 35 years, have a family history of genetic problems or be a carrier of any of them, it is best to perform this test for early detection of fetal abnormalities.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

The importance of stem cells

Today, parents of a newborn have a new medical option available to prevent and treat future illnesses of the child: the storage of umbilical cord stem cells.

The cells are stored in the umbilical cord at the time of birth are similar to those of the child's bone marrow , so that may mean a future treatment of diseases such as leukemia, lymphomas, any infectious or hematological.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Alcohol in lactation, myths and truths

There are many things to talk about breastfeeding and alcohol and that some increase milk production, others decrease and to what extent, it is good to take them in moderation. So here you are commented some facts and answers on this subject.

One of the most common questions is whether the baby may be affected, if the mother drinks wine or beer. The answer is that everything depends on how much alcohol and the time you drink. alcohol levels in blood and milk are usually highest about an hour and a half after the last drink , although these levels vary from person to person.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Toys for newborns

During the first months, the baby will be eager to experiment with their environment. Toys are the best way to stimulate the senses, but must be careful in choosing type of toy for children.

Some of these toys are ideal for the first six months:

Musical mobiles for the crib: there are several models, with various motifs and characters. Stimulate the eyes and ears of the baby, find it very entertaining besides.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Implications of extended breastfeeding

On the Internet you can find diffusers groups extended breastfeeding in all countries. At the same time, you will find hundreds of critics who argue for physical, psychological and moral. Scientifically, the last word has not yet been spoken.

Means prolonged breastfeeding that which is over two years old child. Although breastfeeding is medically necessary to at least six months, the World Health Organization ( WHO ) recommends it for two years or more.

Breast milk provides baby nutrients and defenses that protect against disease and help correct growth. It also creates a bond of trust and confidence between the infant and mother.

Friday, November 25, 2011

What to do when our babies cry?

When the baby cries moms we despair, trying to find why? This happens for multiple functions, so the child tells us when hungry, dirty, or is upset. Allow you to disconnect from sounds or visions too intense for him.

Sometimes that happen crying spells for no reason, and you will notice that after them, are more alert and then stay awhile to deeply asleep. It seems that these cries for no reason, help burn the baby their surplus energy, and allowing calming sleep.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Process of storing umbilical cord blood

In recent years more and we become more familiar terms bank, blood and umbilical cord and every day we know more people close to decide to keep this blood sample after birth, so it can be used in the future. Today we explain what are the bank of the umbilical cord blood and how to do the procedure.

Storing cord blood is a procedure in which blood that remains in the baby's cord and placenta is removed, frozen and stored to be used medically in the future. This process is painless, very safe for both mother and child and does not interfere with the plans of birth or parent's decision to cut the cord.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Why babies cry

All babies cry, no way around it is one of the ways they communicate, as your baby can not simply tell you what happens. It can be a little difficult at first, but a large part of  parenting is trial and error, and soon learn to anticipate the needs of your child, you understand what you want and so leave to mourn. However, I want to help and so here we bring you some reasons why your baby may be crying.

Hungry: Once you learn to recognize signs that your baby wants to eat , such as being uncomfortable, make sounds or search your chest when you lift, you can feed it before it begins to mourn. But until that happens, it's a good idea to check if you are hungry when you are crying. The milk can not stop her tears away, but let him eat as much as you want. It stop once your stomach is full.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Likely to become pregnant during lactation

There are many myths about the possibilities of getting pregnant while you are breastfeeding. Many say there is no possibility to conceive at this time, while others do not have the security of having sex during that time. So here I bring what experts say and some recommendations.

The answer to the question of whether you can get pregnant during breastfeeding is: yes. In general, it is less fertile but not infertile at that time. Although you may not get your period for months after giving birth, your body usually releases its first egg before it reaches the period.

Monday, November 21, 2011

The gas gets fussy baby

Small babies are restless by nature, and as they grow, they acquire more skills, but at the age that is, they get very upset if they swallow air when sucking, this can occur whether you take the bottle, as if fed with the breast. Is more common in the first case (bottle).

When this happens it is best to stop taking the child to breathe quietly, if not swallow more air, which would increase their sense of discomfort and may come to regurgitate (then we'll talk about it).

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Hiccup, while breast-feeding advice

Most babies hiccup from time to time, it always worries her mother that the child, but to happen while you are feeding could be really nasty.

The advice in these cases is to change the baby's position, try to burp, to release gases, which oppress the diaphragm, and do it to relax. Wait a few minutes before continuing feeding, if the hiccups do not go away in 5 to 0 minute, add a little water in the bottle may help.