Monday, November 21, 2011

The gas gets fussy baby

Small babies are restless by nature, and as they grow, they acquire more skills, but at the age that is, they get very upset if they swallow air when sucking, this can occur whether you take the bottle, as if fed with the breast. Is more common in the first case (bottle).

When this happens it is best to stop taking the child to breathe quietly, if not swallow more air, which would increase their sense of discomfort and may come to regurgitate (then we'll talk about it).

The best strategy is to burp him frequently, even when not given any sign of discomfort, for the sole reason to pause and change the baby's position, began to breathe and eat more slowly, swallowing more slowly, which will make decrease the amount of air swallowed.

To take into account:

If you bottle-feed burp every time you take at least between 2 or 3 ounces.
If you breastfeed, do it every time you change from within.

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