Thursday, December 1, 2011

Acne in babies often occurs

That's not enough, the baby acne is very common and may be present from birth, but more often appears a few weeks later, usually on the cheeks and in other cases on the forehead, chin and even on the back.

These small grains may be surrounded by the skin red and may become more pronounced when your baby is overheated or upset, and if your skin is irritated by saliva, traces of milk or fabrics that are too rough or have been washed with detergents.

The causes of acne as well as adolescents are not clear. For some time, experts believed it was due to the hormones babies received from their mothers in late pregnancy that causes acne. But researchers have not yet been agreed and from certain medications you can take while breastfeeding until the drugs you can take your baby may trigger acne.

There are some things not to do if your baby has this acne, how to put creams or oils on your skin, because it may get worse. Nor should you use normal medicines for acne that have not been prescribed by the doctor, you should also avoid washing much skin, because this condition is not caused by dirt.

In fact, much washing can irritate baby's skin, so do not overdo with the cleanup. Simply wash your baby's face with mild soap and water once a day. Patience is the best thing to do, because this acne usually disappears within a few weeks.

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