Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Care of the baby at the end of the first month of life

We have been commenting on the development of the first month of the baby and how it will evolve as it grows day by day as we must pay attention to when we go to the pediatric consultation, discuss with your doctor.

These items can guide you if during the second, third or fourth week of life the baby will submit any of these signs of developmental delay, to inform the doctor so you can help.

Chupa with little force and feeds slowly.

No flashes at a bright light.

It does not focus on nearby objects or follow them to move from one side to another.

Rarely moves arms and legs remain rigid.

His limbs are too lax or flaccid appear.                   

Lower jaw trembles constantly, even when not crying or is energized.

No reaction to loud noises.

No cause for alarm because not all children develop the same way, but for you to consider and talk with your pediatrician.

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