Friday, December 9, 2011

Looking for a nanny

If until now you're starting to find a babysitter, fear not, there are many ways to find a qualified person to care for your child. Good strategies include putting a message on your social network, call nannies and professional agencies advertise in the newspapers and Internet forums.

Ways to choose the nanny may vary depending on your needs. If your baby is going to be alone with the nanny, you start with someone old enough and mature. The Organization of the Red Cross says parents should not choose someone less than eleven years to care for his son, although some experts have greater caution and suggest that anyone is ready to nurse before fourteen.

Of course, age is not the only factor. If the nanny you're considering an adult, your main concern should be your previous experience in childcare and how comfortable you feel with your personality. In any case, it is best to ask your potential babysitter some references, which you should call and ask how long you have known, ages of children cared for and the responsibilities he had.

If your child is very young, make sure the nanny has experience caring for children of that age and has taken, or is willing to take, classes in CPR and first aid. And you must be sure she knows to never shake your baby. So, before you leave home you can be sure that your nanny is someone you trust who at least knows who to call and what to do in an emergency.

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