Monday, February 13, 2012

Antiepileptic drugs and the baby's growth

Mothers who breast milk your baby while taking anti-seizure medication can not affect the development of their children cognitive, according to a new study. Previously it was believed that this class of drugs affected the growth of children.

 Kimford Meador, a researcher at the University of Florida in Gainesville, says: "Our research shows that giving breast during treatment with anti-epilepsy drugs would not have a negative impact on children's cognitive skills."

This study was conducted among 187 children, under 2 years, whose mothers were taking drugs for epilepsy, 41 percent of these children were being breastfed, and found they did better on IQ tests than others.

The concern was that some animal studies showed that some drugs for epilepsy caused cell death in immature brains. However, apparently in human sex hormone from the mother, prevent that happening.

This study will be extended and will aim to examine the effects of these drugs on baby uterus and until the age of 6 years. The important thing is to breastfeed the children if you can. Pediatrics recommends breast milk to the children in their first year of life and even more if the mother and child wish.

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