Sunday, February 19, 2012

How much sleep babies need

All parents were first asked how many hours a day should sleep their children. For then you are commented that the general guidelines on how many hours on average children must sleep in their different ages, of course bearing in mind that everyone is different and may sleep an hour or two more or less than others.

Babies should sleep 1 month about eight hours at night and seven during the day to complete about 15 hours in total.

One of three months should sleep ten hours at night and five a day to complete 15 hours in total. One of six months sleep eleven hours at night and a little more than three during the day to complete over 14 hours total. One of nine months sleep about eleven hours at night and three in the day to complete 14 hours in total.

Children a year more than eleven hours sleep at night and two and a half during the day in order to complete more than 13 hours. One sleeps 18 months more than eleven hours a night and a little over two hours in the day to complete 13 hours in total. One of the two years sleeping 11 hours at night and 2 during the day to complete 13 hours in total. One of three years and half ten hours sleep during the night and a day and a half in order to sleep a total of 12 hours.

Keep in mind that most children need lots of sleep. Sometimes when children have bad habits at bedtime or refuse to go to bed before eleven at night, their parent think they do not need much sleep. That's not true and it is possible for a child with such behavior is not getting enough rest.

Over time, children stop napping during the day and sleep only at night. The preschool or kindergarten and elementary school still need to sleep from ten to eleven hours at night, but that too will be reduced. By the time they reach adolescence only need nine to ten hours of sleep a day.

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