Friday, February 24, 2012

Premature aging in babies due to stress during pregnancy

Genomic Instability Group of the National Cancer Research Center in Spain found that the stress you are exposed to the baby during pregnancy could accelerate its future aging.

The entity is directed by Oscar Fernandez-Capetillo, who was the sixth wing Banco Sabadell Award for Biomedical Research, aimed at young scientists.

The Basque research center 36-year career in explaining the role of DNA damage in cancer and aging, on the basis of this damage in the genetic material is probably the most universal feature present among tumors, and probably the ultimate cause of aging of living beings.

The expert developed, together with his team, replication stress models in mice, which has inhibited the protein responsible for preventing genetic errors in DNA cleavage. The animals have experienced very early aging parameters, as they usually live for two years, and with the intervention at two months had an extremely old.

The findings indicate that the origin of this DNA damage of the cell would occur during pregnancy, when most cell division occurs in the formation of man, a damage that remains after the birth occurs.

The expert said stress syndrome in mothers influence the metabolism of infants and that from now on will launch a series of studies in animals that try to show a treatment, based on favorable dose of protein to avoid the cellular stress could delay aging.

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