Friday, February 17, 2012

Preparing the father for pregnancy

When you start making plans to have children, the couple is almost always the woman who begins to prepare consuming vitamins, decorating the rooms and giving the place in your life for your child. In many cases the men they forget that they also put their hand and have to prepare well before trying to conceive a baby.

It's a good idea for men to investigate the family history, so they have to call their parents, siblings and other relatives to get information about it. Among the most important things is to discover, if someone in your family have genetic disorders or chromosome as Down Syndrome Cystic Fibrosis or clotting problems.

The woman asked this information in their first prenatal visit or showing your interest to get pregnant and man's responses also help if you should do some prenatal tests or whether it must be considered before attempting to conceive a child.

On the other hand, some men believe they can continue eating burgers and fries, while his wife eats grilled chicken and steamed vegetables, but not all the time is right. On the one hand, for women will be easier to maintain a healthy diet, if your partner also takes on the other, sperm have a better health.

Experts say that poor nutrition can affect the quality and quantity of sperm. For example, men with low levels of folic acid, the same vitamin that women need to consume to prevent birth defects, have a low sperm count. The daily amount of this vitamin is needed, which is 400 micrograms can be obtained by eating breakfast cereals, leafy green vegetables and orange juice.

Another nutrient that must be taken into account is the Zinc. Experts say that zinc deficiencies can reduce semen volume and testosterone levels. In addition, low levels of this mineral may interfere with the absorption and metabolism of folic acid. Is recommended to eat meat, seafood and eggs to get the recommended daily dose?

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