Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Stimulation of the baby's brain growth

From the beginning of gestation until birth and then to this our baby both receive everything that surrounds it, whether we hear sounds while in the womb, the voices of their parents, etc.

To stimulate their brain growth from first to third month should consider the following items, for a completely healthy growth and development of our young son.

Give a food healthy, take it to the pediatrician for regular checkups and timely follow the recommended immunization schedule.

Be warm and loving with the baby, to have physical contact with him in the form of hugs, kisses and caresses to convey a sense of security and welfare, it feeds their self-esteem.

Talk or sing songs while dressing, bathing, feeding, playing or walking with him, or while it's in the car. Always use simple words and challenging, always calling him by name.

Be sensitive to the pace and moods. Learn to read the key that gives and respond when he gets upset and when happy, happy. Quite the contrary to popular belief babies "can not spoil" to receive the affection of their parents.

Make it easy colorful objects of different shapes, sizes and textures. The face of the father and mother are the most interesting visual stimulus for a baby this age.

If you speak a language other than where you live, use it at home.

Avoid subjecting your baby to stressful or traumatic experiences both physical and psychological.

Make certain that all the people who will care for your child apart from ensuring their health and safety, understand how important it is to provide love and comfort when he needs them.

Teaching the child with displays of affection are stimulating their emotion feelings and thus facilitate a completely healthy development in their growth.

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