Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Linguistic development of 8-month

When our little child is reaching the year of life will begin to indicate that is what you want, pointing or gesturing towards the direction where the object is. Also try many of the gestures he sees his parents and siblings do while dialogue, this is a form of communication that use the baby until it acquires the art of language and to express their messages with words.

At this stage, the child begins to babble with specific syllables like "ba", "da", "ga", "pa", "ma" and may already have begun at 8 months to practice the words, Therefore we are excited to hear, like "mama" or "tata" every time you want to capture our attention being because it is to realize that that makes us feel. Once you learn to say them correctly, you can spend the whole day saying "ma-ma", solely because of practice and because it is very entertaining, but then at the end of the period used the right words to convey exactly what it means.

Parents talk to your baby from birth, and even while in the womb of the mother, but during this period begin to understand many things, so the conversations have a new meaning. Before you learn to speak many words, first understand many others that we do not imagine, for example if we name a favorite stuffed animal found in the other corner of the room, most likely the baby will look and smile, to given to understand that you understand, we're talking about a toy.

To stimulate language, we talk constantly, correct the words, pronounce and repeat so that the understanding, especially in moments of intimacy, as when feeding, or changes, or is taking a bath, telling what is going on about. You should use simple language and place them specific names to things, if your pet is a dog, you say "dog" and not change the name to "wow" to avoid confusing the child. Words must be concrete, specific, and thus the baby, repeating understand the concept, and with the passage of time go into words, then sentences to describe and express their wishes.

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