Sunday, March 4, 2012

The varicose veins "How to Avoid Them"

A measure pregnancy progresses and your baby grows and grows, as you contemplate a blue veins show themselves in your legs and, worst of all is that you hurt and feel heavy. Varicose veins and other circulatory problems are common in pregnancy.

 - The sednarino

- High-heeled shoes. This type of shoes impeded the natural movement of the foot and, therefore, the circulation and drainage.

- Use high stockings, which compress the blood supply to the knees.

- The use of tight clothing, since they hinder venous return. It is important that the clothes do not tighten at the waist, chest or the English.

- You do not want local heat or prolonged exposure of the legs to the sun.

- Constipation. Make a diet rich in fiber, but always accompanied by at least two liters of water a day (if not the effect is the opposite). Take plenty of vegetables and fruits.

- Too much salt in foods by fluid retention.

After Childbirth, after delivery, varicose veins can improve (and be less) because they are less bloody. Do not go away unless treatment is performed to remove them. The first step should be taken when starting treatment for varicose veins is to consult with angiologist to assess the situation to determine the origin of varicose veins, its severity and diagnose the most appropriate treatment. To treat (if small) can be used laser surgery for varicose veins. Experts advised even eliminate them before another pregnancy about the risk of developing a new issue of varicose veins. In the case of large caliber varicose veins, the specialist, who will determine the course of treatment.

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