Thursday, December 15, 2011

Trouble sleeping in the first trimester of pregnancy

Said to be better than pregnant women get used to not sleeping much, because the usual discomforts like nausea, reflux and the constant need to urinate will not. Most women have trouble sleeping at some point in the pregnancy. In this article I bring some things that will not let you sleep during the first quarter.

In the first weeks of pregnancy, begin to feel sleepy during the day. This need to take naps is caused by high levels of progesterone, a female hormone that helps regulate the reproductive cycle, but also has a sedative effect. Besides making you feel tired also can make you feel a bit bad, as if you were starting a cold.

Another situation that can happen is that your breasts become more sensitive and could be difficult to find a sleeping position, especially if you're used to sleeping on your stomach. The first half is perfect to start train to sleep on your left side to improve the flow of blood and nutrients to the fetus and uterus and to help your kidneys to discard what you do not need and some fluids. The sooner you get used to this position, the sooner you can sleep better when you start growing belly.

The last main sleep problem is your growing uterus and presses on the bladder and sends you running to the bathroom more often than you imagined. If you're tired of going to the bathroom, takes a lot of fluids during the day, but disminuyenlos afternoon and evening.

When this happens to you remember you're not alone. More than half of pregnant women take at least one nap during the week and over weekends. You just have to accept that this quarter will leave you exhausted, and listen to your body when you say that you go down a little rhythm and get some rest.

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