Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Children who only sleep with movement

There are several mistakes that parents make and interrupt the usual routines of their children between 2 and 4 years. One of them is let them sleep in any place where they have a little movement like the car, the pushchair and into your arms when you load it, we know very efficiently achieved calm children.

But many parents fall into the mistake of always using movement when young children do not want to sleep, either during naptime or at night. And the truth is, it's very tempting to just put your child in a stroller and move a bit to sleep, because surely saves many moments of discomfort and fight with your child.

The problem is that if your child always falls asleep only when you move a little, as in the car, probably not getting the sleep you need deep and restful after a hectic day to discover and learn things. All because of stimulation by the movement, which could be compared with the kind of dream we have in a plane, leaving us just tired than we were.

However, this kind of movements are very effective in calming children , so if your child is upset you can use, but do not just fall asleep with that help, but when you see that you are falling asleep, and take him to his bed or a quiet place to get the rest you need. And when you're in the car let him take a nap, but it does not become a habit.

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