Thursday, February 23, 2012

Dealing with crying

 For the child it is gratifying that their parents are able to stay calm in difficult times,

Sometimes when the baby is upset, instead of trying to stop his crying by all means you need is a person that simply being with him and keep quiet. Someone who has held while crying or sit next to her crib and stay there, quietly, stroking his head. That reassures him a lot.

However, the inconsolable crying of a child and not knowing how to appease parents can make them explode despair and nerves. So instead of tenderness and affection, the child receives a demonstration of anger (for interrupting your sleep, impotence giving not know what to do). Naturally, the infant perceives the change, though I can not understand the meaning of words, he realizes that his voice is different, note that the hands are not so delicate that the attitude is not as affectionate as ever ... But That does not make you lose confidence, recognizing the situation as a slip.

The best proof that this is so is this: at some point in the same night, the child may need to return to their parents. Confident, claims his company again and let it comfort, regardless of the above reaction.

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