Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Ways to bid at the time of delivery

One of the key moments during the birth of a baby and one of the biggest concerns is inexperienced mothers when giving birth, and particularly when to push the baby out without any problems during childbirth natural.

There are two ways to push, which is usually what mothers do to help their babies to pass through the channel during the second stage of giving birth. One is the most practiced, called the bid directed, which are instructed to do, so once you are fully dilated and did not feel or urge. It also gives you instructions on how to push.

Another alternative, which is very popular with midwives and obstetricians, which is the spontaneous bid. In this method it is important to follow your natural urges, pushing when you feel ready and how you feel good.

The bid is the one who directed most common in all hospitals around the world, however, some experts say you should reconsider this way of giving birth considering some research indicating that in some cases, this practice has benefits to the mother or baby, and you may have some disadvantages.

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