Wednesday, March 14, 2012

The baby of 8 months and skills

At this age, the baby learns to stand up, crawl and take the first steps, are the most spectacular achievements of this period, but we must not overlook the wonderful things our baby will learn to do with their hands.

At the beginning of this period still catch the baby items so awkward, usually using the whole hand, but at the end of this stage will accurately using the thumb and forefinger , it will take to find out practicing the movement of pliers pieces of cereal to feed often and maybe even if you try to snap your fingers teaches.

When the baby learns to open his fingers will enjoy pulling and throwing things greatly if you provide toys small in the high chair tray or eating, or in the yard, the throw to the ground and then cry for someone to the scope with the simple and sole purpose of throwing them back. This must be careful, if you throw hard objects can cause damage and at home significantly increased noise levels. If directed to objects rather soft, surely his life is a little more relaxed and calm, you should help you choose, providing soft balls of different sizes and colors, as well as textures, to capture their attention.

An exercise to demonstrate wonderful skills your baby is sitting on the floor beside him and rolled a ball in his direction, at first only to crash into each other, but when you understand the reference, you can see rolling it tries to return to where you are.

At this stage they are particularly attractive objects with moving parts, you can clearly see that by improving coordination, your child can lift off the ground those objects in its path, explore, change from one hand to the other, shaking and beating each other. As time goes on you attract attention, holes, where it will take to get his fingers, and then they want to go through other objects.

The blocks are favorites recommended at this stage, in fact there is nothing that encourages a baby crawl over a tower of blocks before him, to tear it down, and when the ending this period, to sit hours to build a tower blocks for fun.

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