Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Foods to avoid for 12 to 24 months

As your baby grow, will want to try some food from your plate and you also want to add some variety to your diet. But not all foods are safe for your child and some may even have a choking hazard. Here I bring some things to prevent your baby from 12 to 24 months.

- Skim milk or skim: Most children need the fat and calories of whole milk for growth and development. Once your child turns two years, and if no growth problems, you can start to make low-fat milk. Even if your baby is at risk for obesity or heart disease the doctor may recommend that kind of milk before this age.

- Large pieces: Pieces of food the size of a pea or pea are safer because they will not stay stuck in the throat of the small. Vegetables such as carrots, celery and green beans should be cut or cooked and then cut. Cut fruits like grapes and cherry tomatoes into quarters before serving, and harvesting of meat and cheese in smallish pieces.

- Small hard foods: peanuts, popcorn, cough drops, hard candy, grapes, raisins and other fruits and small seeds and dehydrated are a potential choking hazard.

- Soft and sticky foods: Avoid chewing gum and soft foods like marshmallows and jelly candies, because they might get stuck in the throat of your little one.

- Peanut butter: Be careful not to give your child lots of peanut butter because it can be hard to swallow. Instead, you can sprinkle a light layer of bread or crackers. You can also try to thin it with some apple sauce before putting it on bread.

Other tips:

- Avoid letting your child eat in the car, it is difficult to monitor it while driving.

- If you are using a cream to prevent pain from teething, keep your child well guarded because it could numb your throat and interfere with the process of swallowing.

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