Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Four to seven months infants and their qualities

By the fourth month, your baby can be without any wish to inconvenience the mouth, over the next four months use at once, all the fingers of his hands, to carry things like a rake, as having mittens or claws, do not use a precision grip or pliers with the thumb and forefinger.

We watch as it grows little by little and about six months and can change an object from one hand to the other, coordinate their movements and discover little by little bits of old his body, before or thought existed.

Qualities of their movements at this time:

Turns in both directions (from face down and face up and vice versa)

He sits with hands resting first and then supports the rest of the body.

Support the entire body weight with your legs.

Reach objects with hands.

It passes objects from one hand to the other.

Scanning uses the grip, no grip pliers, it will at the end of the period around 9 months.

All these skills are sometimes around 5 months old and will eventually get better most babies learn to stand on his back from the face down position.

Once your baby is strong enough notice that you can lift the chest, and can help you practice sitting posture. Every day we will accompany you in this beautiful way of life, from its infancy.

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