Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Swings and playpens, tips to keep in mind

Many parents find that the swing mechanics, especially those that can be attached to the bassinet, can calm a crying baby out of control, when all else has failed. If you plan to use one of these devices, do not place your child in the seat of the swing, but until you know just sitting (usually between 6 and 9 months).

Use only stable swings that are installed on the floor, not those that are hung from the doorways, and that could become detached and be dangerous for the child. In addition, you should not use the swing more than 30 minutes nor more than twice a day, but can calm a baby, does not replace the care that parents provide.

When your baby begins to move from one place to another, you probably need a playpen, even before the baby crawl or walk, a yard is a safe place where he might be lying or sitting, whether at home or outdoors. Remember always not leave the low side, certainly if used to being in a playpen now be more willing to stay there, when I grow up.

But do not delude, although some babies do not mind being stuck in a pen, others resist vigorously. It is best to provide a place where the child feels content and accompanied, to stimulate your senses and keep your confidence and self esteem.

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