Friday, March 16, 2012

Baby, care of the penis

Babies need care in their genitals, depending on their sex, as is the case with children (males) must take some special care at the time of their diapers changed, especially if we think that your penis is a sensing member which is in contact with urine.

We have two types of care specifically, when the penis is uncircumcised, and when not.

Care of the circumcised penis: If you want your child to practice circumcision, probably will make the second or third day of life, unless delayed for religious reasons, after the intervention, he bandaged the glans Vaseline impregnated gauze, usually this dressing will fall the first time the child urinates, some pediatricians suggest further bandaging the penis, until it heals completely, while others leave it exposed pediatricians recommend.

The most important thing is to keep the surgical area as clean as possible, If the penis becomes soiled with feces, wash it very gently with soap and water when you change the diaper. The tip of the penis can be quite red for the first few days and may secrete a yellowish fluid: Both indicate that the glans is healing well. In the weeks following this will be phased out, if the redness persists, the penis swells and yellowish crusts, it is possible you are infected, is quite rare if you have the necessary health care, but if you suspect a possible infection Please consult with your pediatrician.

Care of the uncircumcised penis: During the first few days you should clean your child's penis with soap and water just like the rest of the area is covered by the diaper. At first, the foreskin is attached to the glans or head of the penis, so you should not try to separate them. No need to wash the penis with cotton swabs or any antiseptic, but you should watch your baby urine from time to time and ensure that the hole of the foreskin is large enough to enable it without problems.

If the hole passes only a trickle of urine or think your child has discomfort consult your pediatrician. The doctor will tell you when to separate the foreskin from the glans, and therefore can be retracted smoothly. This may take place several years old. When separation occurred, would occasionally retract the foreskin to clean the tip of the penis when it is covered by it. As your child stop wearing diapers, you must teach it himself, so you can urinate and have the penis clean.

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