Saturday, March 3, 2012

Dimensions of the child's room

The child's room should be dimensioned to the cycle of physical and intellectual growth. In each of the stages of development are manifested new needs, which requires provision for future amendments regarding all aspects of child training.

Naturally, the dimensions of this space are not exclusively linked to health problems (to allow a sufficient volume of air, a proper ratio between the surfaces that provide lighting and illuminated surfaces, etc.), since these conditions often result from the characteristics of the construction. Instead, it should be organized within that unit is the stay, according to mental and motor needs of the child.

You should avoid excessive length and depth extent that at times, can awaken in children a sense of inability to control space, waking and insecurity, anxiety and even fear.

If skillfully distributed the furniture , we can form spaces of dimensions appropriate to the needs of the child, not so much by intervening in the design characteristics of the room, generally unchanged, but placing the furniture and accessories in the space provided in the most profitable .

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