Monday, February 27, 2012

The best time to have another child

What is the best time to have another child? Nobody can answer that question but it is very difficult. Some say it's even harder to decide to have her first child. All this happens because you're not just talking about having a baby, but to change the whole family.

With each new child you have to think how that baby will affect your lifestyle, your finances, your work, your relationships and, of course, your other children. And if you listen to other parents know that enlarge your family means more than double for the mother and father.

A general question is looking for the ideal interval between children, for their sake and parents. So, the questions become whether it is better to have them with little time difference so they can play together or whether it is better to have more room to make sure everyone gets enough attention and care.

Some data based on time studies in infants indicate that:

- The time between pregnancies of less than 18 months or more than five years may increase the risk that the second baby is born premature, underweight or small for gestational age.

- Wait 18 to 23 months after the birth of your last child before conceiving another is the best for the baby's health.

- The best time is when your first child is less than a year or more than four, in terms of their relationship with their parents, the rivalry with his brothers and his own self-esteem.  The boys of less than a year still have no sense of exclusivity as well as receive a new family member easier, and more than four have had time to enjoy her parents and already have a life.

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