Monday, February 27, 2012

The pacifier helps a lot when sleeping

For babies that are a great relief in suck, which goes beyond the needing to eat, pacifiers can be very useful when it comes to bedtime. If you're breastfeeding your baby, wait until you have a month old for a pacifier, to ensure that breastfeeding is well established.

The pacifier should not be used as a substitute for food. First you try to hug him, pamper, rocking and singing to fall asleep. Then put the lights down low and some soft music. When you wake up, be sure to give enough milk before passing the pacifier.

There are good and bad in the use of pacifiers. Some studies indicate that the pacifier at bedtime may be protective against sudden death syndrome. On the other hand, babies who use it after six months have increased middle ear infections, bacterial infections in the mouth and intestinal infections.

Some parents find that pacifier use gives them comfort their babies and help them sleep, even waking up at night and cry if you can not find it. Therefore, one difficulty may be that you'd have to give it up also if your child has a cold and can not breathe through your nose, will be more miserable if it depends on the pacifier.

If your child leaves the pacifier close to five years, there will be no need to worry about problems dental future. That's because during the first months and years, your child is only their first teeth, permanent not leave until about six years.

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