Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Childhood dream as your baby's sleep

Before birth, the days of his son were divided into sleeping and waking moments, from the eighth month of pregnancy even before, their sleep is equal to exactly all experience.

There are two types of sleep that we all have every time we need sleep and rest.

REM: This is the face in which you dream, your infant's eyes are moving under the eyelids, which closed remain as watching what is happening in the dream, in this instance, also can jumpiness, kicking, move, making faces, all normal manifestations of REM sleep.

Non-REM sleep: integrated turn four faces, drowsiness, light sleep, deep sleep and deep sleep. As the infant progresses from drowsiness to deep sleep, will gradually reduce the movement of your activity, your breathing becomes slow and deliberate, and becomes silent, so the baby is practically immobile and dreams of little or no dreams.

At first your child will sleep like all newborns between periods of three or four hours in length, about sixteen hours a day, distributed between feedings. Each of these will include period relative amounts of both types of sleep. After two or three months, the order will change, so that when I grow up, your child will, for all phases of non-REM sleep before entering REM sleep. As you grow your dream will become quieter.

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