Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Dye hair during pregnancy

That is a question that many pregnant women and about that question about hair color in that state have created many myths that have only managed to confuse even more expectant mothers. So here I bring you some answers as experts and not experts.

Says epidemiologist Christian Chamber teratogen Information Service in California says there is no evidence that the bleach applied to the hair depilatories or increase the risk of birth defects, although the matter has not been investigated deeply.

However, very little chance that the chemicals enter the bloodstream, reach and the baby. She says that you can reduce the risk by putting cold water on the skin first, to maintain the small pores, do it in a well ventilated area and limit the time that these products touch the skin.

Other beauty professionals say there is no danger from that used professional and quality products. They also claim that the only problem that may have to dye your hair during pregnancy, is that the colors may not have the expected result.

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