Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Tips for handling child aggression

Already in the previous post we saw how aggression in preschool and kindergarten kids is a response and a normal at this age. However, the witness that our child is aggressive it is best to take some steps, so I bring you some tips for this situation.

The first is that we must respond quickly when they see the child become aggressive. It is ok to wait until he has beaten his brother to tell him the third time is wrong. For example, if you are playing with others and attacks someone it is best to remove it for a moment, about five minutes to understand that every time you do you will lose a bit of fun.

No matter how angry that the parent is not wise to yell or ill treat small. Because that instead of teaching that their behavior is inappropriate, he said that physical and verbal attacks are the way to respond when you are angry.

Another tip is, as far as possible, always respond to their attacks in the same way. As predictable as they are the parents, the sooner you recognize it and wait for a response to bad behavior. Sooner or later will realize that when he shows aggression will be punished.

When the child calms down, we must try to discuss what just happened. The best time is to do right after he calms down, but not much time to forget what happened. One must ask if you can explain that led him to be aggressive and tell that it is natural upset sometimes, but that is not okay to bite, kick and make fists.

You can suggest better ways to express how angry it's like kicking a ball, giving his fists a pillows, find an adult to serves as mediator in the situation or simply using the words.

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