Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Tips for bathing my baby

Bath time can be fun and special time to share with the baby. But it's time to be very cautious. Keep in mind these tips for bath time to keep the little one safe while cleaning and fun.

- The first and most important advice is never leave the baby unattended, even for a little while. Young children can drown in less than an inch of water. It should have all the elements at hand, such as soap and towel, in advance. And if the doorbell or the phone, and you feel you must respond, put the baby in a towel and take it with you.

- You must ensure that the bath is comfortably warm. Because babies can gets cold quickly.

- Do not put the baby in the tub when the water is still running. The temperature could change or could get very deep water.

- Make the family tub safe. They can be incredibly slippery so it is recommended to put a rubber mat for safety. A small cushion can protect your baby's head from painful strokes. Also if you have sliding glass doors, be sure to be safety glass.

- Fill the tub with only 2 or 3 inches deep for babies up to six months and never taller than waist when seated, to the largest.

- Teach your baby to sit and not get in the tub.

- Soap, shampoo and liquid gel can dry the skin of your baby and can cause irritation, so it is best used sparingly. They can also cause irritation of the urethra, which can cause urinary tract infections. So to prevent your baby is sitting too long in water full of potentially irritating soap, playing with a little start and stop bath soap and shampoo for last.

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