Friday, February 17, 2012

As children help with sleep

Newborn babies usually only cry when they are hungry, or require them to change the diaper, at first the child is not able to distinguish between day and night, as his tiny stomach only allows you to be satisfied, just for 3 hours, so there is no choice but to feed when requested periodically along the clock in the first weeks of life.

Anyway even at this smallish age can teach your child that nighttime is for sleeping and day to play, it should try that night outlets, are the most unnoticed possible: do not turn on the light, or overreach diapering. Rather than tinker with your child, return to bed as soon as I have fed and changed.

What happens after delivery?

If you give birth in a room of clinics, unconventional delivery, the most likely to stay there, for now, but if gives birth in a hospital in the delivery room, the move to a recovery room , where it will be observed, the problems that could easily arise later, such as internal bleeding.

Meanwhile you may be carrying the baby to the nursery and discuss with you in this first test, evaluate, vital signs, temperature, breathing, and heartbeat, the doctor or nurse will assess your color, activity level, and breathing.

Preparing the father for pregnancy

When you start making plans to have children, the couple is almost always the woman who begins to prepare consuming vitamins, decorating the rooms and giving the place in your life for your child. In many cases the men they forget that they also put their hand and have to prepare well before trying to conceive a baby.

It's a good idea for men to investigate the family history, so they have to call their parents, siblings and other relatives to get information about it. Among the most important things is to discover, if someone in your family have genetic disorders or chromosome as Down Syndrome Cystic Fibrosis or clotting problems.