Friday, February 24, 2012

Why not let you eat anything during labor?

This is a question that we have many mothers, who surprise us when we have long labors from hours and hours while we expand toward the birth of our children, and we are not allowed to drink water, let alone eat some food.
 At open dilation, it is appropriate to stop drinking fluids and eating for the simple fact that everything runs its natural course, but unexpected situations can arise and have to resort to a cesarean section, although this is not as common, can to happen, and you better be in a position, since it takes when using anesthesia and the same with a full stomach, there is a danger that the mother to regurgitate and aspirate gastric contents.

Premature aging in babies due to stress during pregnancy

Genomic Instability Group of the National Cancer Research Center in Spain found that the stress you are exposed to the baby during pregnancy could accelerate its future aging.

The entity is directed by Oscar Fernandez-Capetillo, who was the sixth wing Banco Sabadell Award for Biomedical Research, aimed at young scientists.

The Basque research center 36-year career in explaining the role of DNA damage in cancer and aging, on the basis of this damage in the genetic material is probably the most universal feature present among tumors, and probably the ultimate cause of aging of living beings.

Questions to learn skills such as parents

 There are a variety of questions that can lead to a better understanding of what is required to become a parent and what it takes to be successful. If you want to discover more about yourself and identify changes needed to be parents, here I bring you some questions.

Do you spend time with children? Do you enjoy it?: Whether the answer is yes or no, can not predict how you feel with your own children , but to think them a bit you can reveal some of your assumptions and attitudes about life with children.