Tuesday, February 14, 2012


During the eruption of teeth, your baby may feel some discomfort. In the most fortunate, only produces some pain and discomfort, making you uncomfortable and cry, but in other cases may have a fever, diarrhea, ear pain, and vomiting.

As you start to notice unusual symptoms should see a pediatrician. The determine of  teeth is discomfort or a viral condition.

Reasons for child abuse

Sometimes mothers are watching their young preschool play with others when suddenly look like they hit another boy in the nose. And of course a matter for concern, but few parents know that at this age this is a normal part of development.

Many children at this age take the toys from their peers, hit, kick, and scream to turn blue. In some cases this has to do with fear, a normal reaction when children feel trapped by others, for example, or when they feel they are taking something that is theirs.

Tips for handling child aggression

Already in the previous post we saw how aggression in preschool and kindergarten kids is a response and a normal at this age. However, the witness that our child is aggressive it is best to take some steps, so I bring you some tips for this situation.

The first is that we must respond quickly when they see the child become aggressive. It is ok to wait until he has beaten his brother to tell him the third time is wrong. For example, if you are playing with others and attacks someone it is best to remove it for a moment, about five minutes to understand that every time you do you will lose a bit of fun.

Tips for bathing my baby

Bath time can be fun and special time to share with the baby. But it's time to be very cautious. Keep in mind these tips for bath time to keep the little one safe while cleaning and fun.

- The first and most important advice is never leave the baby unattended, even for a little while. Young children can drown in less than an inch of water. It should have all the elements at hand, such as soap and towel, in advance. And if the doorbell or the phone, and you feel you must respond, put the baby in a towel and take it with you.

Childhood dream as your baby's sleep

Before birth, the days of his son were divided into sleeping and waking moments, from the eighth month of pregnancy even before, their sleep is equal to exactly all experience.

There are two types of sleep that we all have every time we need sleep and rest.

REM: This is the face in which you dream, your infant's eyes are moving under the eyelids, which closed remain as watching what is happening in the dream, in this instance, also can jumpiness, kicking, move, making faces, all normal manifestations of REM sleep.

Baby cots, points to consider

We spoke earlier of the bassinet, its usefulness for the early months, but then the baby starts to grow, the more comfortable for parent is the acquisition of a good family, where the child may use it for the next two years of life.

As most of the time the child is in the crib monitor nobody should be a safe environment, falls are the most common injuries and are the easiest to avoid.

Dye hair during pregnancy

That is a question that many pregnant women and about that question about hair color in that state have created many myths that have only managed to confuse even more expectant mothers. So here I bring you some answers as experts and not experts.

Says epidemiologist Christian Chamber teratogen Information Service in California says there is no evidence that the bleach applied to the hair depilatories or increase the risk of birth defects, although the matter has not been investigated deeply.

Choosing a good pediatrician

The pediatrician is the one that will have the responsibility to help parents raise their children in the early and middle age, with greater ease, comfort, and success possible.

However each has its own approach, so your choice when you have to consider, which is what you would like, either by reference, because your children have attended before, or just because you trust in him and responds to your budget. It is always important as the pregnancy is coming to an end, you make consultations with them, that time is that your baby is born who take care of their health and growth, and this decided.

Bottle or breast, what should I give?

The longer we are mothers, we asked this question, but ... what is the correct answer? The choice is yours mama! Before giving birth and you ought to be resolved and will feed your baby.

Definitely breastfeed your child is as healthy for both, the formula is not identical to human milk, but it's very nutritious and healthy. Both approaches are safe for your baby's growth, but each has its advantages and disadvantages.