Thursday, February 23, 2012

Strabismus in infants

In younger children, up to 6 or 8 months, inability to coordinate exactly the movements of both eyes while fixing some object, leads to the appearance of a divergent motion may suggest the existence of strabismus. If this difference persists after this period, we must think seriously about the possibility of a squint. It is therefore necessary to go to the optometrist to establish an adequate therapy.

In fact, the risk posed by the strabismus is due to the lack of convergence of the eyeballs prevents correct image fusion, that makes objects look "double" (double vision).

Born with a birth in squatting

When in vertical position, the baby does not compress the aorta and maternal blood so that it gets sent to freely. There is a basic fact in this position: the ease with which the head enters the area. The explanation is simple enough to know the mechanism of balancing the bones of the pelvis according to the position he finds women.

When crouching, there is an opening of up to 28 percent of the diameter of the channel entrance of birth and ends at the same rate when lying. An obstetrician, a prestigious and experienced, I always explained to his colleagues that this was the cause of women gave birth in taxis more easily than in hospital beds.

Spaces in the nursery

While the spatial organization of the child must respond to logical principles, autonomy and authenticity, we must not forget that the physical characteristics that predetermine the housing, and in particular the place for the child, reduce the possibilities of applying these principles.

Despite the frequent constraints imposed by the conformation of the home-and location of windows, doors, heaters, etc. - Is more important to organize properly the overall space to find a brilliant solution to the details, which may be waived if necessary. Rather than placing the different items of furniture, be concerned in the space between them, ie... the surface which can provide the child: this space is the relationship between the objects present and itself.

Dealing with crying

 For the child it is gratifying that their parents are able to stay calm in difficult times,

Sometimes when the baby is upset, instead of trying to stop his crying by all means you need is a person that simply being with him and keep quiet. Someone who has held while crying or sit next to her crib and stay there, quietly, stroking his head. That reassures him a lot.

However, the inconsolable crying of a child and not knowing how to appease parents can make them explode despair and nerves. So instead of tenderness and affection, the child receives a demonstration of anger (for interrupting your sleep, impotence giving not know what to do). Naturally, the infant perceives the change, though I can not understand the meaning of words, he realizes that his voice is different, note that the hands are not so delicate that the attitude is not as affectionate as ever ... But That does not make you lose confidence, recognizing the situation as a slip.