Saturday, February 18, 2012

Skin and nails care of baby

As we have said on other occasions, our baby's skin is very sensitive and can get irritated very easily by contact with chemicals in new clothes, or soaps or detergents used to wash their clothes and used.

To avoid such problems as advised is to rinse twice one for our baby, and all washable objects within its power, before they make contact with your skin. During the first months should wash your baby's clothes separately from the rest of the family.

Right food and nutrition of a baby

Breast milk or formula should be the staple food and source of nutrition for your child during the first two months, but for now should not deal by diet, should establish a regular eating pattern and make sure your child is eating properly, with the amount of calories needed for growth.

The pediatrician will guide and slowly the will recommend the inclusion of foods such as vegetables, fruits, and meats, so that around the year, the child is absolutely all food consumed of the food pyramid.

Benefits of breastfeeding after delivery

Did you think to breastfeed your child? is a very good choice, today, most hospitals recommend breastfeeding immediately after delivery the uterus, unless the baby has a low scale score. Apgar or breathe too fast, in which case, be sure to be postponed a little nursing.

Breastfeeding while spending time after delivery, it is beneficial for the mother, as this process causes the uterus to contract, thereby reducing uterine bleeding, keep in mind that the hormone that triggers uterine contractions is that it stimulates the production of milk.