Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Diarrhea, baby care

The diarrhea occurs when the inner cover of the intestine suffers an injury. What makes the stool softer than usual means that the ingested nutrients are not digested or absorbed properly by the intestine.

Injured tissue also tends to filter liquids, which are lost and mineral salts. These losses are compounded if your baby eats food or sugary drinks because the sugar is not absorbed, it attracts more fluid, worsening diarrhea.

If your child has vomiting followed by diarrhea within a few days, may have a viral infection in the intestinal tract.

Babies and the departure of the teeth

The little teeth of the baby usually start out at about 5 months the lower central incisors are usually the first out, followed by four to eight weeks after the four upper incisors (central and lateral) and approximately one month after the other two lower incisors. Then the first molars usually come out followed by the canines.

 If your child does not yet left any of your teeth, do not worry yet, this may be an inherited trait and not necessarily that goes wrong. The outputs of the teeth sometimes cause irritability, crying, fever things need to bite hard and cold.

Four to seven months infants and their qualities

By the fourth month, your baby can be without any wish to inconvenience the mouth, over the next four months use at once, all the fingers of his hands, to carry things like a rake, as having mittens or claws, do not use a precision grip or pliers with the thumb and forefinger.

We watch as it grows little by little and about six months and can change an object from one hand to the other, coordinate their movements and discover little by little bits of old his body, before or thought existed.

Swings and playpens, tips to keep in mind

Many parents find that the swing mechanics, especially those that can be attached to the bassinet, can calm a crying baby out of control, when all else has failed. If you plan to use one of these devices, do not place your child in the seat of the swing, but until you know just sitting (usually between 6 and 9 months).

Use only stable swings that are installed on the floor, not those that are hung from the doorways, and that could become detached and be dangerous for the child. In addition, you should not use the swing more than 30 minutes nor more than twice a day, but can calm a baby, does not replace the care that parents provide.

Walkers, care for the baby

Many associations and academies of Pediatrics do not recommend the use of baby walkers. These are advertised to children you know usually sit without problems, but still no stability for walking.

The walkers are involved in many accidents and injuries annually, so it is generally recommended to use static devices, for children who still maintain their stability.

Please note:

If you choose a walker with X-shaped frame, note that the frame, getting caught can small. Check that the walker has insurance to prevent the child can be folded while in use. Also make sure that the springs if present, have protective covers.

Foods to avoid for 12 to 24 months

As your baby grow, will want to try some food from your plate and you also want to add some variety to your diet. But not all foods are safe for your child and some may even have a choking hazard. Here I bring some things to prevent your baby from 12 to 24 months.

- Skim milk or skim: Most children need the fat and calories of whole milk for growth and development. Once your child turns two years, and if no growth problems, you can start to make low-fat milk. Even if your baby is at risk for obesity or heart disease the doctor may recommend that kind of milk before this age.

Discomfort in pregnant women

Besides the physical discomfort experienced during the pregnancy, women often have to face endless questionnaires and comments on this state.

A large majority of the work going to have to endure just talk to them about her pregnancy and nothing else, so eventually the baby just want to go out and have your identity back.

They also have to receive the comments are not requested and the hands touching without asking. Several women say they get comments like "you're great!" As well as tips that have never asked and strangers playing outstanding stomach, as if they were not annoying enough with the inconveniences of the state.

Cardiovascular exercise during pregnancy

Exercise does wonders during pregnancy lifts mood, improves sleep and reduces the pain of that state. It also prepares you for childbirth by strengthening muscles and build physical fitness, as well as making it much easier to return to the good body shape after the baby is born.

The following activities are usually very safe for expectant mothers, although some may not work during the last months of pregnancy. Either way you must make sure your doctor before starting any exercise routine.

Cardiovascular exercise:

Hiking: One of the best cardiovascular exercises for pregnant women is walking because it keeps you fit without disturbing your knees and ankles. It is also very easy to do anywhere, as it requires no equipment other than a good pair of sneakers and is safe during all nine months of pregnancy.

Tips for drying the umbilical cord

Newborn babies are a piece of cord attached to his body that falls within ten or twenty days so it should be a little careful with this part. To begin you must keep it clean and dry, and it is recommended that double the diaper just below, or buy these diapers have a special place for this, so is exposed to air and not the urine.

When that piece of umbilical cord falls off, you can see a little blood in the diaper, but that's normal. You just have to avoid bathing your baby in the tub until it falls.

In warm climates, have your baby seen only a diaper and a shirt loose to allow air to circulate and make the drying process faster. Also you should not try to pull the rope, even if it appears that is only supported by a small piece of skin.