Sunday, February 19, 2012

Care of the umbilical cord

The umbilical cord was, what kept our baby joined us while we loaded in the belly, and where you spend much of the food once the baby is born. We have some care to heal properly, thus preventing complications.

This will keep the ends clean and dry until it falls off, this can be done with a wet cotton in alcohol (drained), is essential for cleaning some go that form around it. These cures cordoncito well as expose the air will cause scarring and dries quickly.

How much sleep babies need

All parents were first asked how many hours a day should sleep their children. For then you are commented that the general guidelines on how many hours on average children must sleep in their different ages, of course bearing in mind that everyone is different and may sleep an hour or two more or less than others.

Babies should sleep 1 month about eight hours at night and seven during the day to complete about 15 hours in total.

One of three months should sleep ten hours at night and five a day to complete 15 hours in total. One of six months sleep eleven hours at night and a little more than three during the day to complete over 14 hours total. One of nine months sleep about eleven hours at night and three in the day to complete 14 hours in total.

It stimulates the senses of your baby during pregnancy

As the fetus develops in the womb, your senses begin to develop and sharpen. This time is ideal for issuing certain stimuli that a baby will be safe, stable and healthy.
Everything comes to baby

Due to the early development of the senses, it is important that the mother keep her around a calm atmosphere. The fetus can hear and feel everything that happens, so that discussions and lawsuits have a negative effect on your emotional state.

Infants and the first smile

 This is one of the most important milestones of the child in its first month of life, the emergence of the first smiles and giggles. First appear while the child is asleep, for reasons still unknown.

Although seeing a newborn as smiles while sleeping can be very entertaining, true smile will come when near the end of this first month, start to smile while awake.

Breathing difficulties in the baby

Surely, after your baby is born, you take several hours to establish a normal breathing pattern, and probably cost a bit, but from there you should not have any trouble breathing.
You usually notice that it costs to do while you're feeding, but over the days when both parties are learning their times, this will disappear. In any of these symptoms occur you should not waste time and communicate it to the pediatrician.