Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Food safety in children 24 months to 3 years

After two years of age reduces the risks associated with food. While still small and have to be watched closely, the children have learned to swallow better than at the beginning and can eat all kinds of food.

Despite the good news is helpful to have some qualms with some products while not dangerous in themselves can cause some problems. For children 24 to 36 months of age, avoid sticky food and chunks to avoid a possible suffocation. Moreover, it is best to eat sitting in their chairs to eat not eating while walking or lying down while watching television. You must seek a space in which children remain attentive while eating to then concentrate on chewing and swallowing quietly.

Teach children to wash their hands

When your son is old enough to go to the bathroom alone and use the potty by itself, it is also old enough to imitate what their parents do after using the bathroom. For that I bring you some tips to get kids to wash their hands after using the bathroom.

You let him see your usual routine to go to the bathroom, including you see the way you wash your hands. If your child sees you doing that, you may begin to associate the cleaning of hands with the process of using the bathroom. Do you reach the sink with a small stool and help it with water and soap.

When moderate or stop exercising in pregnancy

Sometimes getting exercise during pregnancy is strictly prohibited to protect the health of the mother, baby and or both. Therefore it is recommended that the mother discuss with your doctor before you start, continue or change their exercise regimen.

A large majority of doctors prohibit aerobic exercise if the mother suffers from: heart disease, lung disease, cervical insufficiency, pregnancy multiple twins or triplets as if you are at risk of preterm delivery, persistent bleeding in the second or third trimester, placenta after 26 weeks, delivery, premature rupture of membranes or as the breaking of water.

Stimulation of the baby's brain growth

From the beginning of gestation until birth and then to this our baby both receive everything that surrounds it, whether we hear sounds while in the womb, the voices of their parents, etc.

To stimulate their brain growth from first to third month should consider the following items, for a completely healthy growth and development of our young son.

Give a food healthy, take it to the pediatrician for regular checkups and timely follow the recommended immunization schedule.

What to know about the polio vaccine

When vaccinating children, both mothers and infants sometimes we fear, it is clear that children do not like to be vaccinated, but thanks to this we can prevent and eradicate diseases like polio, which is a viral disease that can paralyze some muscles of the body.

It can be mild or severe depending on the affected muscles. Fortunately has been eradicated by the effects of effective vaccines to prevent disease.

Children should receive four doses of the vaccine before entering school, and there are two types of vaccines against this disease: IPV (or inactivated polio vaccine) and injected into the leg or arm, and OPV (or attenuated polio vaccine) that is taken orally as drops.