Thursday, March 1, 2012

Education: the Montessori methods

The Montessori methods is an educational alternative in place since 1907 in many countries worldwide. Born of the hand of the Italian Maria Montessori from their classroom studies and their environment.

His theory of the details materials used and the organization of the class. Montessori was the first to adapt the school furniture to the size of the child because they believed that the details are very important in development. The pleasure and learning must go hand in hand and thought this is how the classroom environment has a special place. The layout, the presence of flowers, the use of attractive materials and others make to learning.

Organize children's birthday

In these times there is increasingly less time to organize a big event, whether a wedding, an anniversary or birthday child. That's why we are the organizers of fashion events. In some cases these are people who work independently offering their services. In others, companies that deal with organizing the party.

Furthermore, and even with little time, you can take care of yourself and your child's birthday with some outside help. An example is the leading My Little Party that is nothing but a shop dedicated to parties dealing with everything needed to bring the birthday a success. From cards to the décor, costumes, games, or gifts of piñata finale.