Saturday, November 26, 2011

Implications of extended breastfeeding

On the Internet you can find diffusers groups extended breastfeeding in all countries. At the same time, you will find hundreds of critics who argue for physical, psychological and moral. Scientifically, the last word has not yet been spoken.

Means prolonged breastfeeding that which is over two years old child. Although breastfeeding is medically necessary to at least six months, the World Health Organization ( WHO ) recommends it for two years or more.

Breast milk provides baby nutrients and defenses that protect against disease and help correct growth. It also creates a bond of trust and confidence between the infant and mother.

Opponents argue extended breastfeeding, among other things, that this bond of trust becomes a complicated dependence if breastfeeding extends to age as 9 or 12, as reported in some cases.

Additionally, professionals of psychology remember the stages of human development and argue that it is important to overcome the oral stage, for the proper development of the psyche. They also warn of dangers such as the Oedipus complex or sexual orientation problems when the heart begins to mean to be growing more than food and security.

However, hundreds of mother advocates of this practice have created groups to disseminate and share their experiences with the world. They believe that breastfeeding is a beautiful act and that breast milk continues to provide benefits to the child even after two years.

The truth is that there are no medical studies that prove or disprove the alleged benefits or harm of prolonged breastfeeding. Therefore, it remains a choice of the mother and child.

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