Friday, December 2, 2011

Spitting, and prevent them

Feeding your baby is one of the most important challenges and often disconcerting that we meet the parents, so that the advice or knowledge that we gain during pregnancy and whenever we are presented with something unfamiliar, are very important to make this moment, an instant pleasure and communication with our son.

Spitting is another constant that occurs in infancy, sometimes because the child has eaten over allowing its small stomach sometimes occurs when gases are removed, can be annoying, but not cause for concern as it is normal to happen.

Keep in mind that the difference between regurgitate and vomit, when the baby spits up, does not perceive it, but when you vomit violently expels the food ingested. Although prevent regurgitation is virtually impossible, with some tips we can reduce the frequency of such episodes.

Turn the tap experience, pleasant and relaxed.

Avoid interruptions, sudden noises, bright lights and distractions while feeding your baby.

Do not feed your child while you are lying.

Place your baby in an upright position just finished feeding.

Do not shake your baby or play vigorously with him after feeding.

Try feeding before this very hungry.

If you by bottle, make sure the hole in the bottle is neither too large nor too small (if appropriate shall fall a few drops to flip). This prevents the baby from swallowing air without.

Elevate the head of the bed (do not use pillows) and always put the child back to sleep, So will head higher than the stomach, and may not choke or drown if this happens while asleep.

And remember, above all, consult your pediatrician, if it happens constantly and spit are abundant or vomiting after feeding.

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