Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Cardiovascular exercise during pregnancy

Exercise does wonders during pregnancy lifts mood, improves sleep and reduces the pain of that state. It also prepares you for childbirth by strengthening muscles and build physical fitness, as well as making it much easier to return to the good body shape after the baby is born.

The following activities are usually very safe for expectant mothers, although some may not work during the last months of pregnancy. Either way you must make sure your doctor before starting any exercise routine.

Cardiovascular exercise:

Hiking: One of the best cardiovascular exercises for pregnant women is walking because it keeps you fit without disturbing your knees and ankles. It is also very easy to do anywhere, as it requires no equipment other than a good pair of sneakers and is safe during all nine months of pregnancy.

Swimming: Health experts say exercise and swimming is the best and safest exercise for pregnant women. Swimming is ideal because it exercises both large muscle groups, which are the legs and arms, provides cardiovascular benefits and allows expectant mothers to feel weightless despite the extra pounds of pregnancy.

Low Impact Aerobics: The great thing about the kind of aerobics is that it is a specific time where you know you're going to exercise. If you take a class for pregnant women, you enjoy sharing with other mothers and make sure that every move is safe for you and your baby.

Dance: You can make your heart beat to dance to your favorite tunes in the comfort of your own home, with a DVD, or a dance class, but stay away from the routines that require turns, jumps and complicated movements that could put your safety in risk.

1 comment:

  1. Exercise for pregnant women is not only beneficial to yourself but as well as your baby. Exercise helps to replenish our oxygen supply and keep our blood flowing. This in turn bring more nutrient to your developing baby. So if you are not exercising, I highly recommend you start.
