Sunday, February 19, 2012

Infants and the first smile

 This is one of the most important milestones of the child in its first month of life, the emergence of the first smiles and giggles. First appear while the child is asleep, for reasons still unknown.

Although seeing a newborn as smiles while sleeping can be very entertaining, true smile will come when near the end of this first month, start to smile while awake.

These early smiles help you feel closer to each other, and this will allow the passage of time that you realize that he's going to smile at times, looking at him, and some other noises that tell you when it's time to play and when it is time to go to rest.

The more days go by you and your child will create a link, which beyond all, the show of affection, feelings and thoughts will be extremely important for the development of self-esteem. Enjoy, Assure confidence, and always will to help.

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