Sunday, February 26, 2012

Rashes and infections common in babies

Sometimes by lack of hygiene or other factors, babies are prone to contract more easily infections or rashes, that while they should not alarm us, are signs that we are alert and if necessary concurramos to the pediática query.

Among the most common rashes and infections in the baby are:

Seborrheic eczema (seborrheic dermatitis) is commonly known as " scab child "is the onset of flake-shaped thick crust in the baby's scalp, wash hair and brushing daily helps control this condition that often disappear on only in the early months, but otherwise, requires treatment with special shampoo that will indicate your pediatrician.

Infections in the hands and feet of the baby usually seen as areas of redness around the nails that give the sensation of pain when one touches you, you can sometimes send treating them with warm compresses, but it is usually better than see doctor to indicate how to treat.

Infections umbilical: We talked specifically about them before, usually manifested by redness of the area around the base of the umbilical cord, and whether they should be examined by the pediatrician.

Dermatitis diaper: This is the most common of them, and made ​​specific references on another occasion, but generally tends to appear when the child is over extended periods of time wet or dirty diaper.

Do not hesitate to consult your pediatrician before any new or alteration in the skin of your baby.

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