Thursday, February 23, 2012

Spaces in the nursery

While the spatial organization of the child must respond to logical principles, autonomy and authenticity, we must not forget that the physical characteristics that predetermine the housing, and in particular the place for the child, reduce the possibilities of applying these principles.

Despite the frequent constraints imposed by the conformation of the home-and location of windows, doors, heaters, etc. - Is more important to organize properly the overall space to find a brilliant solution to the details, which may be waived if necessary. Rather than placing the different items of furniture, be concerned in the space between them, ie... the surface which can provide the child: this space is the relationship between the objects present and itself.

Indeed, it is this free surface where they operate, manifested primarily through movement and the spontaneous combination of the relations between things. It is therefore not appropriate preconstituir a rigid in this environment, which, however, should be a "landscape" rich and multifaceted, in which the meanings of the various primary and secondary elements may be modified by use and the time.

The favorable environment is one that is obtained by soft lighting and diffuse solar lighting filtering curtains or blinds direct guidance sheet-tables. On the other hand, neither should be included in that room accessories that collect dust or are gentle, or in any way constitute, if only indirectly, a threat to small, very appropriate and that are decorative.

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