Monday, February 6, 2012

What should parents know about their baby's development?

A third of parents of babies have a surprisingly low knowledge about the development of their children, including basic concepts such as what they should know their children and how they should act, according to a recent study found.

For example, many parents are unaware that the guys at 1 year do not understand the difference between what is right and what is wrong, so it is often difficult and do not cooperate or share when playing with other children.

The results of this study, by researchers at the University of Rochester in New York, are very surprising because the parents who had children and were watching or had recently seen the growth of their children, so they were expected to know more.

During the study, parents answered 11 questions designed to determine their knowledge of their children's development and also asked about their relationship with the children and watched videos of how the parents taught new things to babies.

The point is that the lack of knowledge of the development of their own children can lead to certain problems. One of the researchers said that such mothers can expect your child 18 months just sit quietly in a doctor's appointment, when the children of that age are normally curious and like to be inspecting everything, which can lead parents to interpret this behavior as challenging and treat it more strictly, when that is not the solution.

Among the proposed solutions to this problem is that doctors take more time to explain to parents the stages of development of their children and that they too are interested in reading more and gather more information about typical behaviors in the development of children.

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