Saturday, March 3, 2012

Asparagus Children

Asparagus Gratin

1 kilo or half kilo of asparagus and
1 tablespoon butter
2 tablespoons flour
300 g of milk or whipping cream 150 g
grated cheese
salt, and ground white pepper


1. Cook the asparagus in water with a little salt for 30 minutes. Drain and reserve the cooking water to mix with the sauce.

2. Melt the butter in a saucepan and, off the heat, add flour, stirring well to avoid lumps. Add a little broth to cook the asparagus and this will be well connected.

3. Return put the pan into the fire, add a cup more broth to cook and, when thickened (do it quickly), add the liquid cream (the sauce should be creamy and not too thin). Salt to taste and pour the pepper (you must refrain if they will eat the children) and a little nutmeg if you like the taste.

4. Place asparagus in a source previously covered with butter and pour the sauce over them. Place in the oven and, when bubbling, sprinkle with grated cheese and gratinarlos until golden. Serve immediately.

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