Thursday, March 1, 2012

Education: the Montessori methods

The Montessori methods is an educational alternative in place since 1907 in many countries worldwide. Born of the hand of the Italian Maria Montessori from their classroom studies and their environment.

His theory of the details materials used and the organization of the class. Montessori was the first to adapt the school furniture to the size of the child because they believed that the details are very important in development. The pleasure and learning must go hand in hand and thought this is how the classroom environment has a special place. The layout, the presence of flowers, the use of attractive materials and others make to learning.

Far from the rigid techniques, the Montessori methods based on the idea that children are sponges that absorb everything and learning to read, write or count in the same way they learn to crawl or walk, ie… spontaneously.

Its methodology is based on respect for the child and their ability to learn. The goal is to help children reach their potential as human beings, developing the potential in a prepared environment and through scientific observation of a teacher. These observations are related to children's abilities to absorb knowledge.

Beyond the applied method, Montessori innovated to internalize the educator's ability to love and respect the child, accompanying him during his apprenticeship.

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